Monday, September 6, 2010

My first week!

So much has happened since I last posted! I`ll go day by day.

Mercredi: On Wednesday Mom and I drove to New York and I had to say goodbye to her. I was not the only one there crying my eyes out, but it was still quite awful. After goodbyes, I had to sign in and wait for everyone to get to the hotel. There were people all over the US and it was great to meet everyone: There were fifty students going to France, qbout thirty going to Spain, fifteen going to Egypt, a few going to Turkey, and one girl going to South Africa.Its nice because everyone is in the same situation so theyre all very friendly because no one knows anyone else.

Jeudi: On Thursday, we had orientation from nine until two. From there, we packed up our bags and got on the bus to go to the airport. My luggage was under the weight limit! It took so long for all of us to go through baggage and security that by the time we got to the gate, it was time to board. We left at 7h30 (Ney York time.) This plane was the biggest plane I had ever been on!
I was on the top floor. Flying AirFrance it really nice because you have your own personal TV and they give you three course meals! For diner we got little trays with a full meal on it. It was much nicer than any American fight I`ve been on. After diner I watched WALL-E in French! I`m happy to say that I understood most of it (granted there`s no dialogue in the first half hour of the movie, but still...)

Vendredi: Friday morning was spent on the Plane. I think I may have slept for an hour or so, but I cannot be sure. We had breakfast on the plane. At 8h30 (Paris time) we landed. Generally I dread having to go through customs, and this time was no different. I got to the line, went up to the window and gave them my passport expecting them to drill me on why I was there, how much money did I bring, did I have any food, etc. Instead, the man took my passport, stamped it and wished me a good day. It was the easiest customs ever!

We left the Airport and got to the hostel. It was incredibly tempting to go right to my bed and sleep, but I resisted. If I had gone ahead and went to sleep it would have made me even more jet-lagged. We got to meet the other students who are living in France as well. There were people from Germany, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Austria, and Czech Republic. There are other countries as well, but they were not at the English Orientation. It was not as hard to stay up since there were many new people to meet and talk with. For the rest of the day we just socialized, played spoons and other assorted card games, and rested (though I did not.)

Samedi: On Saturday we took a bus tour of Paris! It was amazing! We stopped at the Eifel Tower to get out, walk around and take pictures. There were many people trying to sell souveniers to tourists, but I just kept saying "Non, Merci!"

After the tour, we had some more orientation. It was the first helpful orientation that I've had yet! It was so nice to be able to ask someone who is French about the French.

Dimanche: Sunday was departure day. At 10h45 the PACA (Provence Cote d'Azure) group went to the train stations and boarded the train to Marseille! We took the TGV, (Train Grand Vitesse) and it took about four hours to get to Marseille. We got off and were engulfed by our host families! In a flourish of pictures, hugs and kisses we were off. Marseille is beautiful!It is so warm and picturesque. Nicole and I went home, and after some diner and chatting I went straight to bed.

Lundi: This morning I got up and Nicole and I went to the school to get my classes set. I don't have classes today or tomorrow because the teachers are on strike (they say that France's most popular sport is strike.)  We went to the mall, did some grocery shopping, and looked at some phones for me. They are so cheap! I can get most of the phones for just 1£! The plans are, for the most part, under 30£ a month!  I think I may get my phone tomorrow.

After the mall, we went to Nicole's son's (Greg) and daughter-in-laws (Tashina's) house. We had lunch with Tashina, and it was amazing! Her cooking is so good. The baby, Aiden, is so cute! Nicole left, and Tash and I are going to take a tour of the city!

I find myself saying "d`accord" and "oui" a lot, since it`s the things I can say in agreement. It is always nice when I can say "Je comprends!" though :). I am finding that even already it is hard to switch bach to english. I`ve had to delete words that I accidentally wrote in French. Often times it is very hard to understand things when people talk to me, but sometimes I can catch a few key words  and I will get the gist of it.

Please excuse any typos! The keyboards here are different, and the spell check is in French!

I'll post pictures soon :)

1 comment:

  1. JANA!I'm so excited for you to get this chance! I hope you have the best experience EVER, though I know you will. Love you! <3 Say hi to France for me :) ~Keelin
