Sunday, August 15, 2010

Visa? Check!

The other day, to my surprise, a FedEx van showed up in my driveway. I never expected the woman to step out with an envelope containing my long-stay student visa. It was a whole week earlier than expected!  The woman asked me why I was so excited and when I told her it was my visa she thought I meant a credit card! I decided not to correct her. Anyway, I made it over the final hurdle! I'm accepted into the program, I've started my packing lists, I've attended all of the orientations that I can possibly attend until I leave, and I got my VISA! I am all set to fly off to France, well besides the not having a family thing. It will come...eventually.

I've decided to start packing when I get to fifteen days before I leave, that way I don't get to the last day and I still haven't packed everything I want to take. I'm still not sure how I'm going to fit everything that I want to take into my bag that cannot exceed forty four pounds. It should be interesting.

It's getting down to my last few weeks, and I'm starting to do a lot of "lasts," for a year at least. There was the last beach trip with the girls today, and there have been a lot of goodbyes to people who I won't see until I come back. When I think about it too much it makes me sad, but then I remember that because of these lasts, I'll have many, many firsts. I'll try new things, and make new friends, and make new memories. In a year's time, I'll be back home to see everyone again. It's weird to think that I'll have to go through this sadness again in less than a year.

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