Thursday, September 9, 2010

Mon premier jour d'école!

I had my first day of school yesterday! I started at 8h00 with Science de Vie et Terre (SVT "Science of life and earth") for two hours.  It's basically biology for the first semester, but much harder biology than I took in the states. For the second semester it's geology. I'm glad that the subject that I don't know is second, so by the time we get to it I'll know what everyone is talking about. After SVT, I had two hours of physiques. I found out that in France, physiques is really chemistry! So we did some chemistry experiment with magnesium and some other chemical that I vaguely remember from chemistry in the states. After those two classes I was finished for the day! On Wednesdays and Saturdays I only have a half day.

In the afternoon, Nicole and I went shopping! I picked up some school supplies. All of the kids in class have these special pens and special paper, and they all take notes the same way! I felt so weird when I did everything differently, with the wrong color pens, wrong color paper and wrong organisation of my notes!

After getting my school supplies, we went to the "Orange" store. Orange is a phone carrier, so I got my blackberry there! It's nice to finally have a phone. I feel much safer, especially since I'm in a big city because I can call someone if I'm lost or in trouble, and I can contact friends (once I make some!)

From Orange, we went to the train station to pick up Lorna. Lorna is an exchange teacher from New Zealand that we are hosting for a month. It is really nice to have someone who speaks English in the house with us, but we will have to make a pact to speak only French to each other.

Today was my second day of school. I had two hours of SVT this morning. It's really intense for me because all of the students write down what the teacher dictates, and I don't understand much of it. I write what I can, and then copy the rest from the girl who sits next to me.

Next I had English! It's by far my favorite class. It was really boring, but I got everything right and all of the kids were coming to me for answers. It was great! There is another girl in my class who speaks english too! We sat together, and talked the whole time. We are going to hang out this weekend!

I have three hours off until my next class, so I came home to have lunch. When I go back I will have Spanish, and history & geography and my day will be finished!

Also, here are some pictures from my tour in Paris! Some of them are not very good quality because they were taken from inside the moving bus.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! C'est merveilleux que tu sois là enfin! J'ai l'impression que tout va bien et que tu es super contente. Parfait! Ecris-moi en français si tu veux. Je comprends comme c'est difficile de changer d'une langue à l'autre tout le temps.
    Gros bisous et bon courage!
